Custom Php/Mysql Development
Php is more than 75% of the website around the world, or in other words it is has the lion’s share amongst all the server side programming language used. Php popularity has been due to the active community also a number of open source softwares like WordPress, Drupal, Open Cart, Zen Cart, Magento, php bb are some worth mentioning as they are themselves a standalone existence. Other than these we have the php based frameworks like zend2, symphony, code igniter, kohana, slim, laravel, cake php, falcon, yii are very popular. By customized php I mean website built from scratch using any of the above mentioned frameworks. Custom php is a tedious and a constantly evolving technology, and it is recommended for longer projects which requires a lot of custom programming, majority of modules being made from scratch. People want to get a software which can be distributed as independent existence required the use of these php frameworks. Most of the frameworks are based on a MVC or HMVC architecture. There are some common faq for custom php programming:
What is php? Php is a server side open source programming language, php has a lot of libraries which comes as build in. Also through this language you are able to communicate to the database through the php database connector bridge very easily without pain, where as I still remember Java servlets which takes almost a whole page to communicate with the database. Gone are those days php makes it real easy 5 lines of code make it possible to establish communication to the database.
Php based open source software VS php frameworks — what to select? I do both so it’s a draw for me no one wins. Both the approach being popular. What approach to choose depends on the end use and budget — open source software like WordPress or Drupal or open cart or Magento they comes all bells and whistles. You pay the developer for customization of the theme or building a theme from scratch. ROI is low. The approach is taken by company who wants a web presence but don’t want to spend more time on those. Where as the php frameworks options are for those who want to have a product which is like an independent softwares or want to have a system which is robust and can be extend in the future. ROI is high. Open source software are notorious for being sluggish and slow where as frameworks are way faster as compare to the open source counter parts. Cost wise a custom php projects cost 3 times the regular open source softwares customization.
Which framework is good for my project? I do a lot of php frameworks like Laravel, Zend 2, symphony, kohana, slim, falcon, code igniter, cake php. Which framework to choose from depends on the requirement of your project,
Frameworks with big footprints: php frameworks like cake php, laravel, zend, symphony is for larger php projects which require a advanced caching and also the framework controls how the modules are being loaded.
Framework with small footprint: php frameworks like code igniter, slim, falcon, kohana are for small projects which requires the website to be loaded very fast without compromising the security of the codes.
Cost of custom frameworks: generally the php frameworks with big footprints costs around $55/ hr with minimum being $10,000.
Php frameworks with small footprints costs around $50/hr with minimum being $5,000
What database to use? Generally with php any databases works. Popular ones are MySQL, mSQL, Oracle. MySQL is an open source object orient relational database, which supports all the feature of a modern databases like triggers, stored procedures etc.
If you want to start your custom php project drop a note to me, I can take a look at your requirements and can send you an estimate.